CoA Recombinant Proteins

Coenzyme A (CoA) is a vital molecule in various biochemical processes, including the synthesis and oxidation of fatty acids, and the Krebs cycle. Recombinant CoA proteins, produced using advanced biotechnological techniques, are essential for research in metabolism, enzymology, and drug development.

Production Process

  • Gene Cloning: The gene encoding the enzyme or protein that interacts with CoA (such as acetyl-CoA synthetase) is cloned into an expression vector suitable for the chosen host system, typically Escherichia coli or yeast cells.
  • Expression in Host Cells: The recombinant vector is introduced into host cells, which are cultured under optimal conditions to express the target protein.
  • Protein Purification: After cell lysis, recombinant proteins are purified using chromatographic methods like affinity chromatography, ion-exchange chromatography, and size-exclusion chromatography to achieve high purity.
  • Protein Refolding and Formulation: If necessary, proteins are refolded to their native conformation and formulated with appropriate stabilizers for storage and use.


  • Research:
    • Metabolic Pathways: Used to study enzymatic roles in metabolic pathways involving CoA, such as the citric acid cycle and fatty acid metabolism.
    • Enzyme Kinetics: Employed in assays to determine the kinetic properties of enzymes that utilize CoA.
  • Drug Development:
    • Screening: Utilized in high-throughput screening assays to identify inhibitors or activators of CoA-utilizing enzymes, which are potential therapeutic targets.
    • Mechanistic Studies: Helps in understanding the molecular mechanisms of diseases related to metabolic dysfunction.
  • Biotechnology:
    • Industrial Applications: Used in the biosynthesis of biofuels and biochemicals through metabolic engineering of microorganisms.


  • Consistency and Safety: Recombinant production ensures high purity, consistency, and eliminates contamination risks.
  • Customization: Enables production of specific CoA-binding protein variants for targeted research.
  • Scalability: Facilitates large-scale production to meet the demands of research and industrial applications.

Recombinant CoA proteins are crucial for advancing our understanding of metabolic processes, supporting drug discovery, and developing biotechnological applications. Their high purity and consistency make them valuable tools in both academic and industrial research settings.

711.00 711.0 USD
711.00 711.0 USD
711.00 711.0 USD
806.00 806.0 USD
711.00 711.0 USD
1,442.00 1442.0 USD
1,442.00 1442.0 USD
564.00 564.0 USD
564.00 564.0 USD
3,387.00 3387.0 USD
459.00 459.0 USD
409.00 409.0 USD
677.00 677.0 USD
564.00 564.0 USD
677.00 677.0 USD
564.00 564.0 USD
409.00 409.0 USD
409.00 409.0 USD
409.00 409.0 USD
3,393.00 3393.0 USD
564.00 564.0 USD
564.00 564.0 USD